
Hello and Welcome to my blog. I am glad that you are here.

I am a mom who has experienced Postpartum Depression/Postpartum Mood Disorder/Perinatal Mental Illness. I now advocate for awareness of, support, and stigma removal.

I entitled my blog "It Takes A Village" in reference to the African proverb that is so commonly known. I feel very strongly that we as a society have set very high standards and expectations of new mothers to take care of their children on their own, without support or help after the first week or so.

I think we have it backwards: New Mom's need respite and support whether they are well or not. We need support and encouragement, and someone to relieve us so that we can get some sleep and time to rejuvienate.

My aim with this blog is to bring awareness to the world, and support to other Moms (and Dads) that are going through this experience. I am passionate about reducing stigma as it creates the barrier that keeps women silent and suffering. I want Moms to feel safe enough to share their story and get the support and help they need to get better.

I encourage you, if you believe you may be experiencing more than the "baby blues" to seek out help. You will not be judged or criticized. The goal of all list here on this blog are to support you and help you heal so that you may live the life you dreamed of with your child.

This blog is a work in progress, please check in often to see more updates and new information!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You Are NOT Alone!

I didn't have any knowledge of baby blues or postpartum depression before or after my son was born. So, from my experience I felt I was hit by a sunami and my world as I knew it was violently torn away. Strong words, yes, but it totally describes how I felt.

My biggest fear was that I was going crazy. I had no clue about what was happening in my body and mind. If you knew me, you would be shocked as I am a researcher and knowledge seeker. But, for some reason, I wasn't interested in any knowledge gathering during my pregnancy. My mind went on hiatus.

And so, I felt I was alone. My body was a wreck, my mind twisted in terror. I couldn't stop crying, my heart was racing in panic, I was exhausted and everything that was simple turned to the biggest chore possible. My limbs were heavy, I just wanted to lay down and sleep forever.

This is how I felt the first two weeks after my son' s birth, and then at the four week mark when I had reached complete exhaustion from sleep deprivation it all started again.

As I said in my story, my Mother was my saviour with the first piece of information that gave me relief: Brooke Shield's book excerpt. (Link can be found on the side bar). Her story was almost parallel to mine. When I say relief, it's equivalent to drowning and someone pulling you up and you breathe that first breath of air once more. Ahhhhh.

Shortly after I posted this blog, I received an email from the author of the article "Bundle of Joy" from the local Caledon magazine "IN THE HILLS". ( I had added a link to her story from the online magazine.) I was surprised but very happy to hear from her. She gave me encouragement and offered suggestions for more resources I could add to my blog as well as programs I might be interested in: FAB-Feelings after Birth and Adjustments after Birth which can be found in Orangeville and Bolton.
(I will be adding them to the list on the sidebar).

I have been attending a postpartum support group in the OEYC in Bolton since my son was one month old. (He is five months old today) It was like jumping into a cold pool of water after being lost in the desert, dry and parched and desperate. It was so wonderful to meet other Moms going through the same thing. I found comfort there, as well as courage to continue on.

The staff is wonderful there. They are all warm, friendly and attentive to all who enter. I am so grateful that I was introduced to the centre. I can go there anytime when I am feeling overwhelmed and need to be around people who are supportive. I also attend other programs, one of them being "You and Your Baby" for first-time Moms. It is great to meet other first-time Mothers and share information as well as learn things I don't have time to read about. LOL!

We are out there, and you are NOT alone. Seek out a support group, call a number and get the support you need and deserve. There is no need to suffer in silence in fear of a "crazy" stigma. You don't have to tell the world. (And, you are not crazy!)

Ontario Early Years Centre in Bolton -Caledon Parent/Child Centre:  905-857-0900

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